Please join us for MCA's Annual Conference!
Stronger Together: Rebuilding a Bright Future
Friday, October15, 2021- Virtual via Zoom,
October 16, 2021 –In person at Turf Valley Resort
2700 Turf Valley Road, Ellicott City, MD 21042
Use this information when booking your room at Turf Valley Resort:
Group Name: Maryland Counseling Association
Group Number: 28B1LX
270Keynote Speakers:
Dr. Cheryl Holcomb-McCoy (in person)
and Senator Dr. Mary Washington (virtual day), Maryland
Earn 20-30 NBCC Hours with both live and pre-recorded sessions!
*Asynchronous Recorded content will be available until Dec 15, 2021
and all course evaluations must be completed by Dec 31, 2021.
**Masks will be required at the in-person sessions on October 16th. Social distancing will be encouraged and seating in break-outs will be spaced.
Registration Fees:
Full Access Package: Virtual, Live & Pre-recorded Content $330.00
Friday Only (Virtual) Professional MCA Member $150.00
Friday Only (Virtual) Student/Retired/Board Member $125.00
Friday Only (Virtual) Non-Member $175.00
Saturday Only (Live) Professional MCA Member $190.00
Saturday Only (Live) Student/Retired/Board Member $165.00
Saturday Only (Live) Non-Member $215.00
Online Content 10 Recorded Sessions $150.00
(Saturday registration includes lunch. Please choose your lunch meal at time of registration.)
Questions about registration? Please contact Cathie Eaton at Exec@MDCounseling.org
Sponsorship, Vendor, and Conference questions? Please contact Sara Pula at President@mdcounseling.org
Click here for the full in-person event brochure (Oct. 16).
Click here for the full virtual event brochure (Oct. 15).
Click MCA 2021 Final PreRecorded Website .pdf for the pre-recorded webinars brochure.
The following t-shirts are available for $18 at the conference in sizes small through XXL.

October 15 Presentations (virtual)
Dr. Brad Imhoff, Robert Switala and Jeff Mazzone
Counselors as Clients: An Exploration of Personal Counseling for Counselors and Counseling Students
Dr. Carol ZA McGinnis, Yosifa Greenberg, Amanda Park, Katherine Bangerd, Rebecca Caplan, and Aryn Hundley
The Ethical Incorporation of Spirituality into Private Practice: Examples from a Graduate Student Exercise
Dee Wagner and Anne Contee
The Neuroscience of Healing Multigenerational Trauma through Body-based Practices
Dr. Sujata Ives and Dr. Kay Brawley
Rebuilding and Reassessing Strength: Employment and Life Recovery During Post-Crisis Times
Dr. Lucy Parker-Barnes; Yara Abu Hussein; Kileen Barry; Monica Behera; Effy Chambers; Samuel R. Chase; Leslie Delaney; Vanessa Filmonor; Jamie Kassa; Lily Kairis; Emily Kimmelman; Laura Leslie; Julie Linneman; Noel McKillip; Carolyn Powell; Lisa Rollins; Lydia Rhodes; Lisa Sams; Chris Scharff; Sabrina Starts
The Utility of a Student-Centered Counseling Education Related Online Research Group During and After COVID-19
Dr. Maya Georgieva
Bread Therapy for Self-Care: An Experiential Session
Dr. Therissa A Libby
The Power of Recovery Narratives
Lesley McGee
Mindful Self-Compassion: Tools for Personal and Clinical Practice
Kelly Furlong and Geoff Grammer, MD
TMS Therapy for Major Depression and Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
October 16 Presentations (in-person)
Dr. Atiya R. Smith, Ph.D., LCPC, NCC, CATP
Supporting Graduate Students of Color Enrolled in Counseling Programs at Predominately White Institutions
Dr. Cheryl Fisher, PhD NCC CCMHC LCPC (MD) LPC (AZ) LCMHC (Telehealth FLA) BC-TMH ACS
Window View: Telehealth and Nature Therapy
Dr. Danielle LaSure-Bryant, LCPC, ACS, BC-TMH
Well, well, well: Using the 8 Dimensions of Wellness Model to curate a self-care protocol for Counselors.
Dr. Marvin Nickleson Battle, Jr. PhD LPC (DC/VA), LCPC (MD), CCTP, CCAPT, BC-TMH
The Little Black Boy and the Big Black Man - An Exploration of Black Men and Toxic Masculinity.
Jill Harrington DSW, LCSW
Superhero Grief: Empowering the Bereaved Strengths and Mindfulness
Marja Humphrey, PhD, NCC and Micheal McGee, M.A Candidate Counseling Psychology.
Interfaith Leadership: What? Why? How?
Rayelle Davis M.S. Ed., NCC, LCPC
Toxic Individualism Defined: Counseling Challenges In the Age of COVID-19
Dr. Ajita Robinson, PhD, LCPC, ACS
Grief and the Mental Health Clinician: Implications for Practice and Policy
Dr. Sara Pula, PhD, LCPC, NCC, ACS
Challenges and Successes in Virtual Internship Training during COVID-19
Kathleen Ann Palmer, MS in Clinical Mental
Measuring Up? Tracing the United States Armed Forces’ Controversial History of Ability Testing
Myah Wortham, MA Clinical Psychology
The Impact of Aggression on Children's Resilience Development
Pre-recorded Webinars
Rebekah Cole Ph.D. in Counseling, Licensed Professional Counselor, National Certified Counselor
Strategies for Helping Military Spouses Transition Successfully to a New Duty Station
Carol ZA McGinnis PhD, SIP, BC-TMH, NCC, LCPC
Religious/Spiritual Implications in Functional Angering
Dr. Lenese Stephens LCPC, LPC, Doctorate of Education
EMDR & Racial Trauma with African American Clients
Dr. Lenese Stephens LCPC, LPC, Doctorate of Education
The BLACK Experience with EMDR
Daniel A. Mayer
Business Boot Camp: Best Practices for Starting or Running a Mental Health Practice.
Dr. Deborah G. Haskins, LCPC, ACS, MAC, ICGC-II, CCGSO, BACC and Mrs. Marylin Marquez Beckley, LPC, NCC
LatinX culture, trauma and risky gambling: Playing (or Praying) to win?!: Cultura LatinX, trauma y juego de azar: Jugar (o rezar) para ganar?!
Cassandra Riedy, MA, PhD Candidate
Hiding in Anonymity: International Gaming Communities’ Empowerment and Oppression of Female Gamers
Maryland Counseling Association has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 2021. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Maryland Counseling Association is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.
If you have questions about your NBCC credit certificate, you may contact Maya Georgieva, Ed.D., LCPC - MCA Credentialing Chair at credentialing@mdcounseling.org.
Refund Policy: As a 501(c)3 non-profit organization, the Maryland Counseling Association, Inc. uses all funds to support the mission, vision, purpose, and needs for counselors in the State of Maryland. Therefore, all registration fees are final and non-refundable.

here for the full in-person event brochure Oct. 16).