Dear MCA Member!
Have you ever considered running for a division or committee position with MCA? If so, now is the time. We are accepting nominations for the following positions:
July 2015-June 2016
MCA President (Lead membership organization, including board and fiscal oversight)
July 2014-June 2015
MACES PRESIDENT (Counselor Educators and Supervisors)
MACES President Elect
MASERIVC PRESIDENT (Spirituality, Ethics, Religiouis Values in Counseling)
MASERIVC President Elect
MAMHC President Elect (Mental Health)
MAMFC President Elect (Marriage and Family)
Asstistant Advocacy Chair (Work on counseling advocacy initiatives across state)
Asstistant Registrar Chair (Support workshop/conference registration processes)
Asstistant CEU Chair (Support evaluation and continuing education certification processes)
Asstistant Website Chair (Support website development and maintenance)
Assistant Bylaws Chair (Support and maintain bylaws updates)